The Sinanaj Brothers


The Sinanaj brothers — Jack, Jeff and Russ — hail from the well-known Albanian region of Plave-Guci. They left behind their extended family and their centuries-old stone farmhouse to embark on a journey to the United States, for a better life for them and their families.

The inspiration that leads them to strive forward, work hard and be honest comes naturally from their parents, particularly from their father Sinan Sinanaj. “Life back home was difficult, and even more difficult for Albanians in the former Yugoslavia. Despite it all, our father chose to work very hard for our benefit, and we want to carry on his legacy,” says Russ Sinanaj. The Sinanaj brothers, inspired by their father’s work ethic, transplanted to their new country and started from scratch. Their culinary experience began at the famed Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn, where the brothers learned the ropes of operating a successful business for a combined 25 years. Their entrepreneurial success dates back to their first restaurant opening, Ben & Jack’s Steakhouse in 2005 and Empire Steak House.

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