Iliriana Sela


Iliriana Sela, the youngest but no less accomplished member of the Sela family, considers herself lucky to have so many excellent role models to look up to. “To me, a successful person is someone who is hardworking, loving, a fighter for his beliefs, a pursuer of his dreams, and one who makes them happen,” Iliriana says. She sites her sister, Sihana, and her mother, Zirako Klobocista Sela, as a paragon of these values. Following in her sister’s footsteps, Iliriana set out to become successful in all areas of life: education, career, community serice, and family. In an effort to do so, Iliriana pursued her career in healthcare as a Physician Assistant. She graduated from Wagner College with a Bachelor of Science and Master’s of Science in Advanced Physician Assistant Studies, with a concentration in Administration. Her first position was at a community hospital, where her responibilities were spread among many departments, including the medical floor, the detoxification unit, psychiatry, and the surgical floors. She found herself frequently thanked and recognized by many patients and their families in public settings for helping them during their most vulnerable state.

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