Darian Pavli, ESQ


Pavli makes strides in international human rights as a top attorney and one of the first Albanians to appear before the Grand Chamber of the European Court. 

Darian Pavli is an internationally recognized human rights lawyer, specializing in free speech, media law, right-to-know, and political freedoms. A senior counsel with George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, Pavli has litigated cases before all major international human rights tribunals and supported democracy activism in dozens of countries in Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere. Pavli, a native of Vlorë, Albania, arrived in New York in the year 2000 to earn a Master’s degree. He planned to spend merely one year in the United States, but the Big Apple’s beauty—and a fellowship offered to him by Human Rights Watch, the leading rights watchdog— persuaded him to stay in the city that he now calls his second home.

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