
Eddi Zyko

An American General cites his family roots and his brave parents as the source of inspiration behind his outstanding military success.  Eddi Zyber Zyko was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on June 15, 1941, but his story began much earlier, with...


Ilir Zherka

A long-time advocate of human rights, and an emissary of public policy and civic engagements. Ilir Zherka’s proclivity to politics, particularly as they pertain to his fellow Albanians, surfaced at a young age. Born in Krushev, Montenegro, Zherka’s father, Ahmet,...


Vildane Zeneli

Zeneli, the Kosova native, quickly shoots to international stardom as a preeminent model and recording star.  Robin Thicke’s music video for the song All Tied Up, and in the music video for the song Pass at Me by Timberland with...


Detina Zalli, PH.D.

Dr. Detina Zalli is among the youngest postdoctoral researchers at Harvard University. She began her postdoctoral work at age 25, after publishing an important scientific paper based on her Ph.D. research on Nek8—a protein associated with polycystic kidney disease and...

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